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Kundali Matching – Way to blissful marriage life

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Horoscope matching is a very important procedure before a couple gets married where the aspects of transition into married life is considered. As marriages are becoming more unpredictable, Kundali matching is playing a vital role.


Are you aware that many marriages are falling apart because of sexual incompatibility? Yes, horoscope matching is the best option where the sexual compatibility is one of the many factors that are matched. The sexual match is tested for both of them and ‘4’ is the maximum score. In astrology it is believed that human activities are controlled by celestial bodies and it fruitfully predicts various factors in human life. It cannot be ignored that planetary movements have an influence on our daily activities.

The institution of marriage is a holy one, a bonding that involves two heart and souls. Men and women are hunting for finding out the best match to enjoy a blissful married life. Astrology helps a great deal in matrimony and the Hindus completely abide by it. With changes in the behavior of the society, marriage success rates have gone down. Parents and couples themselves are striving to turn their marriages into a successful one. It is believed since ancient times that study of horoscopes enhances the chances of successful marriage. It rightly predicts the compatibility issue; to what extent both are compatible. The matching involves in total 8 tests and you must score 36 for each test in order to be compatible. If the couple scores less than 18, the marriage must not take place.


Kundali matching is the last astrological task that is performed prior to marriage. A birthchart is mandatory on the basis of which the matching is performed. With advent of horoscope software, now days there are computerized birth charts that are prepared very quickly. Now getting a birth chart is easy, it is a free service; you only have to fill in certain credentials like name, time of birth, birthplace etc. Horoscopes are at times highly beneficial for you and your family.

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